Tripadvisor Travellers' Choice 2021

(05/2021) The Schiller5 hotels has received this years Travellers Choice Award from Tripadvisor. Thank you very much for our guests who supported us in this very special year.
Tripadvisor Travellers' Choice 2020

(08/2020) Once again an amazing award -the Tripadvisor Travellers' Choice. The Schiller5 Hotel is one of the most popular hotels in the world!
HolidayCheck 2020

(04/2020) Recommended on HolidayCheck with 5,7 of 6 points. Thank you very much for these wonderful reviews.
Loved by Guests Award 2020

(03/2020) There is nothing better as loved by someone. We love you too. Thank's for this award.
Booking.com Traveller Review Award 2020

(2019/12) Our best perfeormance ever! 9 out of 10 points on booking.com. Thank you very much for these amazing reviews!
Official 4-star hotel

The Schiller5 Hotel was awarded in September 2019 as a officially 4-star garni hotel.
Here you can find some background informations about the european hotel stars.
AGODA - Gold Circle Award

The Gold Circle Awards, now in its 10th Year, recognizes elite service, high scoring peer-to-peer customer reviews as well as excellence in pricing and availability.
Tripadvisor Certificate for excellence 2018

2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018! Every year a TRIPADVISOR certivicate of excellence! Because of this we are recevied into the TRIPADVISOR hall of fame!
Recommended on HolidayCheck

The Schiller5 Hotel is 2018 recommended on HolidayCheck with 5.5 from 6.0 points.
Tripadvisor Certificate for excellence

We are one of the best rated hotels in Munich and for this reason we won the TRIPADVISOR CERTIFICATE OF EXCELLENCE 2017! Thank you very much to all guests for your comments and ratings.
Recommended on HolidayCheck

As in the years before we are very proud to get such a good rating with 5.5 from 6 points on HolidayCheck.com
Hotels.com Loved by Guests Award 2017

Schiller5 Hotel has been awarded with a "Loved by Guests Certificate" for receiving exeptional guest ratings and reviews from our hotel guests.
This certificate honors businesses that consistently earn top rateing from Hotels.com guests. We say thank you very much for the ratings to our guests and for the award to Hotels.com!
Booking.com Guest Review Award

The Schiller5 archieved 8.6 points from our booking.com guests. Thank you very much.
4-star Classification

The Schiller5 Hotel is classified by the German Hotel and Restaurant Association (DEHOGA) as a 4-STAR garni HOTEL.
TripAdvisor - Certificate for Excellence 2016

For great reviews the Schiller5 hotels earns again the TripAdvisor CERTIFICATE OF EXCELLENCE.
Thomas Cook Sunny Heart Nomination

The Schiller5 hotel is nominated for the „Sunny Heart Award“. Our guests and lot travel agencies choose the Schiller5 hotel for one of the best Thomas Cook holiday hotels. Thank you very much!
Tripadvisor - Certificate for Excellence

Booking.com 8.5 / 10 points. Thank you for the great recommendations!
Schlummer Atlas 2016
Our hotel is recommended as well in the SCHLUMMER ATLAS 2016. Thank you very much!
Guide Michelin

Recommended in the Guide Michelin 2015 - the Schiller5 hotel in Munich.
Tripadvisor - Certificate for Excellence

2015 the Schiller5 hotel is awarded again by the TRIPADVISOR Certificate for Excellence! Thank you very much to all guests for your comments and rateings.